gcc - Install Visual C++ Compiler on Windows without installing whole Visual Studio -

note question can duplicate of this or this question.

but please don't close duplicate without reading entire question.

i'm trying install npm module browsersync on windows, , reading documentation, found module uses node-gyp requires c++ compiler on windows build native extension. , leads installation of visual studio (community edition do). after going through above linked questions (which noted duplicates of current question), found windows sdk used ship c++ compiler visual studio required have c++ compiler.

so concern is, need download , install hefty 6 gb vs community edition c++ compiler build browsersync on windows? or there way via gcc windows?

p.s. earlier faced similar situation installing node-oracledb.


@niall covered can actual c++ compiler, if you're looking further information on problem there's walkthrough on how node-gyp , running on windows on github issues page standalone compiler.


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