hashmap - How to get the size of String java.util.Map.Entry.getKey() in java? -
i tried options not required output.
the question how size of m.getkey()
i tried m.getkey().length
not find.
system.out.print("\n duplicate words: "); for(map.entry<string, integer> m: map.entryset()){ if(m.getvalue()>tostringarray.length-1) ); system.out.print(m.getkey() + " "); }
the output
( hi output)
the output needed
(5) //hi output total count 5
suggestions welcomed.
i beginner java
here full code
import java.io.file; import java.io.fileinputstream; import java.io.file; import java.io.filenotfoundexception; import java.io.ioexception; import java.util.hashmap; import java.util.map; import java.util.scanner; import org.apache.commons.io.ioutils; public class testduplicatewordnew { public static void main(string[] args) throws exception { /* reading text content file */ fileinputstream fistargetfile = new fileinputstream(new file("e:\\testfolder\\மிரளச் செய்யும் மிலரபாவின் கதை! isha tamil blog 15.txt")); string targetfilestr = ioutils.tostring(fistargetfile, "utf-8"); string []tostringarray = targetfilestr.split(" "); hashmap<string , integer> map = analyzewords("analyzing contents ", tostringarray); system.out.print("\nduplicate words: "); for(map.entry<string, integer> m: map.entryset()){ if(m.getvalue()>tostringarray.length-1) // system.out.print(m.getkey() + "-" + m.getvalue()/(tostringarray.length-1) + " "); system.out.print(m.getkey()+ " "); // system.out.println(map.keyset().size()); // system.out.println(m.getvalue()); } system.out.println("\n"); } private static hashmap<string, integer> analyzewords(string command, string []tostringarray ){ system.out.println(command); hashmap<string, integer> unik = new hashmap<string, integer>(); int =0; while(i<tostringarray.length){ unik.put(tostringarray[i++], 0);} for(i = 0; i< tostringarray.length; i++){ for(int j = 0; j< tostringarray.length; j++ ){ if( (tostringarray[i] != tostringarray[j]) && (i != j)) unik.put(tostringarray[i],(int)unik.get(tostringarray[i]) +1); } }// oef outter loop return unik; }// eof analyzewords method /* method read file content. * returns contents of text file string */ private static string filenamereader(string filename) throws filenotfoundexception{ system.out.println("\nreading " +filename+ " file"); string generatestring = ""; try{ file file = new file(filename); scanner scanner = new scanner(file); generatestring = scanner.nextline(); while (scanner.hasnextline()) { generatestring = generatestring + "\n" + scanner.nextline(); }scanner.close(); system.out.println("\ninitial content"); system.out.println(generatestring); }catch(ioexception e){ system.out.println("\nerror occured while reading file..."); } return generatestring; }// eof filenamereader method }
you try bellow count words in key:
string keys = ""; for(map.entry<string, integer> m: map.entryset()){ if(m.getvalue()>tostringarray.length-1) keys = keys + " " + m.getkey(); } system.out.print(keys.trim().split("\\s+").length);
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