javascript - Select Custom Attribute from nested LI -

i have menu item looks below, in case have parent groupid=5 analytics. trying to-do when click on li want select link-id ... got work easily.

no problem comes in, how can select link-id="22" , link-id="23" without triggering link-id=21 because in case link-id=21 sub menu.


<li groupid="5">                 <a href="#">                     <i class="fa fa-line-chart"></i>                     <span class="nav-label">analytics</span>                     <span class="fa arrow"></span>                 </a>                 <ul sub-groupid="5" class="nav nav-second-level">                     <li link-id="13"><a href="#">overview</a></li>                     <li link-id="19"><a href="#">social report card</a></li>                     <li link-id="20">@html.actionlink("reputation report card", "reputationreportcard", "reports", new { area = "analytics" }, null)</li>                     <li link-id="21">                         <a href="#">                             <span class="nav-label">facebook snapshot</span>                             <span class="fa arrow"></span>                         </a>                         <ul class="nav nav-third-level">                             <li link-id="22">@html.actionlink("overview", "index", "overview", new { area = "analytics" }, null)</li>                             <li link-id="23">@html.actionlink("content", "index", "content", new { area = "analytics" }, null)</li>                         </ul>                     </li>                 </ul>             </li> 

select link

   $("ul[sub-groupid] > li").click(function (e) {$(this).attr('link-id'));     });   

so in nutshell, want able select link-id if link-id has submenu, want select submenu's link-id

you can use click handler [sub-groupid] element, find closest li clicked element , link-id

$("ul[sub-groupid]").click(function(e) {    alert($('li[link-id]').attr('link-id'));$('li[link-id]').attr('link-id'));  });
<script src=""></script>  <ul>    <li groupid="5">      <a href="#">        <i class="fa fa-line-chart"></i>        <span class="nav-label">analytics</span>        <span class="fa arrow"></span>      </a>      <ul sub-groupid="5" class="nav nav-second-level">        <li link-id="13"><a href="#">overview</a></li>        <li link-id="19"><a href="#">social report card</a></li>        <li link-id="20">@html.actionlink("reputation report card", "reputationreportcard", "reports", new { area = "analytics" }, null)</li>        <li link-id="21">          <a href="#">            <span class="nav-label">facebook snapshot</span>            <span class="fa arrow"></span>          </a>          <ul class="nav nav-third-level">            <li link-id="22">@html.actionlink("overview", "index", "overview", new { area = "analytics" }, null)</li>            <li link-id="23">@html.actionlink("content", "index", "content", new { area = "analytics" }, null)</li>          </ul>        </li>      </ul>    </li>    </ul>


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