printing - How can i get a printer's make and model in Java? -

i'm working on java application shares printers server, , need application make , model of printers shares.

i know question has been asked 3 or 4 times nobody seems have found answer.

i've tried code :

printservice[] printservices = printservicelookup.lookupprintservices(null, null);          (printservice printer : printservices){                        system.out.println(printer.getdefaultattributevalue(printermakeandmodel.class));             system.out.println(printer.getattribute(printeruri.class));         } 

the first print returns null string , second 1 gets nullpointerexception.

some researches lead me page :

it seems it's know "bug" , don't understand evaluation.

i'm thinking workaround make , model sending snmp request printers don't know thing snmp , i'm not sure there single snmp command make , model of printer.

if has idea on how achieve this, either using java method or sending snmp commands or else can done on os, appreciated.

edit :

here link topic same question has been asked :

edit 2 :

solution :

as said in comment, tried make , model via snmp sending oid "" printer. seems work i'm not sure works on printer using same oid , can crash if snmp deactivated on target printer.

so chose driver name using jna , winspool.drv. part of implemented in jna had add structures , functions.

here's link existing , classes in jna.

and here's code personal update of these 2 classes.

winspool :

import java.util.arrays; import java.util.list;  import com.sun.jna.memory; import com.sun.jna.native; import com.sun.jna.pointer; import com.sun.jna.structure; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.windef.dword; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.windef.int_ptr; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.winnt.handle; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.winnt.handlebyreference; import com.sun.jna.ptr.intbyreference; import com.sun.jna.win32.stdcalllibrary; import com.sun.jna.win32.w32apioptions;  public class winspoolupdate {     public interface winspoollib extends stdcalllibrary {          winspoollib instance = (winspoollib) native.loadlibrary("winspool.drv", winspoollib.class,                 w32apioptions.unicode_options);          boolean enumprinters(int flags, string name, int level, pointer pprinterenum,                 int cbbuf, intbyreference pcbneeded, intbyreference pcreturned);          boolean getprinter(handle hprinter, int level, pointer pprinter, int cbbuf, intbyreference pcbneeded);          boolean openprinter(string pprintername, handlebyreference phprinter, pointer pdefault);          public static class printer_info_1 extends structure {             public int flags;             public string pdescription;             public string pname;             public string pcomment;              protected list<string> getfieldorder() {                 return arrays.aslist(new string[] { "flags", "pdescription", "pname", "pcomment" });             }              public printer_info_1() {             }              public printer_info_1(int size) {                 super(new memory(size));             }         }          public static class printer_info_2 extends structure {             public string pservername;             public string pprintername;             public string psharename;             public string pportname;             public string pdrivername;             public string pcomment;             public string plocation;             public int_ptr pdevmode;             public string psepfile;             public string pprintprocessor;             public string pdatatype;             public string pparameters;             public int_ptr psecuritydescriptor;             public int attributes;             public int priority;             public int defaultpriority;             public int starttime;             public int untiltime;             public int status;             public int cjobs;             public int averageppm;              protected list<string> getfieldorder() {                 return arrays.aslist(new string[] { "pservername", "pprintername", "psharename", "pportname",                          "pdrivername", "pcomment", "plocation", "pdevmode", "psepfile", "pprintprocessor",                          "pdatatype", "pparameters", "psecuritydescriptor", "attributes", "priority", "defaultpriority",                         "starttime", "untiltime", "status", "cjobs", "averageppm" });             }              public printer_info_2() {             }              public printer_info_2(int size) {                 super(new memory(size));             }         }          public static class printer_info_4 extends structure {             public string pprintername;             public string pservername;             public dword attributes;              protected list<string> getfieldorder() {                 return arrays.aslist(new string[] { "pprintername", "pservername", "attributes" });             }              public printer_info_4() {             }              public printer_info_4(int size) {                 super(new memory(size));             }         }          int printer_enum_default = 0x00000001;         int printer_enum_local = 0x00000002;         int printer_enum_connections = 0x00000004;         int printer_enum_favorite = 0x00000004;         int printer_enum_name = 0x00000008;         int printer_enum_remote = 0x00000010;         int printer_enum_shared = 0x00000020;         int printer_enum_network = 0x00000040;          int printer_enum_expand = 0x00004000;         int printer_enum_container = 0x00008000;          int printer_enum_iconmask = 0x00ff0000;         int printer_enum_icon1 = 0x00010000;         int printer_enum_icon2 = 0x00020000;         int printer_enum_icon3 = 0x00040000;         int printer_enum_icon4 = 0x00080000;         int printer_enum_icon5 = 0x00100000;         int printer_enum_icon6 = 0x00200000;         int printer_enum_icon7 = 0x00400000;         int printer_enum_icon8 = 0x00800000;         int printer_enum_hide = 0x01000000;     } } 

winspoolutil :

import model.winspoolupdate.winspoollib; import model.winspoolupdate.winspoollib.printer_info_2;  import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.kernel32; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.win32exception; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.winnt.handlebyreference; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.winspool.printer_info_1; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.winspool.printer_info_4; import com.sun.jna.ptr.intbyreference;  public class winspoolutils2 {            public static printer_info_1[] getprinterinfo1() {             intbyreference pcbneeded = new intbyreference();             intbyreference pcreturned = new intbyreference();             winspoollib.instance.enumprinters(winspoollib.printer_enum_local,                     null, 1, null, 0, pcbneeded, pcreturned);             if (pcbneeded.getvalue() <= 0) {                 return new printer_info_1[0];             }              printer_info_1 pprinterenum = new printer_info_1(pcbneeded.getvalue());             if (!winspoollib.instance.enumprinters(winspoollib.printer_enum_local,                     null, 1, pprinterenum.getpointer(), pcbneeded.getvalue(), pcbneeded, pcreturned)) {                 throw new win32exception(kernel32.instance.getlasterror());             }    ;              return (printer_info_1[]) pprinterenum.toarray(pcreturned.getvalue());         }          public static printer_info_2[] getprinterinfo2() {             intbyreference pcbneeded = new intbyreference();             intbyreference pcreturned = new intbyreference();             winspoollib.instance.enumprinters(winspoollib.printer_enum_local,                     null, 2, null, 0, pcbneeded, pcreturned);             if (pcbneeded.getvalue() <= 0) {                 return new printer_info_2[0];             }              printer_info_2 pprinterenum = new printer_info_2(pcbneeded.getvalue());             if (!winspoollib.instance.enumprinters(winspoollib.printer_enum_local,                     null, 2, pprinterenum.getpointer(), pcbneeded.getvalue(), pcbneeded, pcreturned)) {                 throw new win32exception(kernel32.instance.getlasterror());             }    ;              return (printer_info_2[]) pprinterenum.toarray(pcreturned.getvalue());         }           public static printer_info_4[] getprinterinfo4() {             intbyreference pcbneeded = new intbyreference();             intbyreference pcreturned = new intbyreference();             winspoollib.instance.enumprinters(winspoollib.printer_enum_local,                     null, 4, null, 0, pcbneeded, pcreturned);             if (pcbneeded.getvalue() <= 0) {                 return new printer_info_4[0];             }              printer_info_4 pprinterenum = new printer_info_4(pcbneeded.getvalue());             if (!winspoollib.instance.enumprinters(winspoollib.printer_enum_local,                     null, 4, pprinterenum.getpointer(), pcbneeded.getvalue(), pcbneeded, pcreturned)) {                 throw new win32exception(kernel32.instance.getlasterror());             }    ;              return (printer_info_4[]) pprinterenum.toarray(pcreturned.getvalue());         }          public static printer_info_2 getprinterinfo2(string printername) {             intbyreference pcbneeded = new intbyreference();             intbyreference pcreturned = new intbyreference();             handlebyreference phandle = new handlebyreference();              winspoollib.instance.openprinter(printername, phandle, null);              winspoollib.instance.getprinter(phandle.getvalue(), 2, null, 0, pcbneeded);             if (pcbneeded.getvalue() <= 0) {                 return new printer_info_2();             }                         printer_info_2 pinfo2 = new printer_info_2(pcbneeded.getvalue());              winspoollib.instance.getprinter(phandle.getvalue(), 2, pinfo2.getpointer(), pcbneeded.getvalue(), pcreturned);              ;             return (printer_info_2) pinfo2;         }      } 

a main class calling 3 implemented functions , displaying result :

public static void main(string[] args) {          for(printer_info_1 printerinfo : winspoolutils2.getprinterinfo1()) {              system.out.println(printerinfo.pname + ": " + printerinfo.pdescription);                       }          for(printer_info_2 printerinfo : winspoolutils2.getprinterinfo2()) {              system.out.println(printerinfo.pprintername + ": " + printerinfo.pdrivername);                       }          printer_info_2 printerinfo = winspoolutils2.getprinterinfo2("canon ir-adv c7000s gx300 v2.0");         system.out.println(printerinfo.pprintername + ": " + printerinfo.pdrivername);             } 

i kinda struggled work hope help.

if want add other functions of print spooler api, here can find references of api.

note : there still problem because application multi-platform , solution works windows. in future i'll have find solution printer drivers name on linux os , on mac os x. i'll keep posted if find something.

(cherry-picking parts of question answerable.)

it seems it's know "bug" , don't understand evaluation.

in fact, request enhancement (rfe) not bug.

the evaluation indicates reviewer thinks / has found way they implement on windows ... if , when around it. not workaround you.

this related question talks getting printer's model using snmp

you should able map solution using java snmp library. approach assumes printer networked , snmp capable ... guess figured out.


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