c++ - When Visual Studio generates 32bit .obj file and 64bit .obj file? -

i have 2 machines, both of have same copy of code. both machines installed same visual studio, vs2013 ultimate version.

the code qt project lots of windows apis. so, qmake generate makefile, makefile.debug , makefile.release. these makefile same on both machines.

in makefile.debug , makefile.release, actual compiler , linker vs's cl , link. difference between 2 machines is, 1 windows 10, , other windows 8.1. both machines 64-bit machine.

the problem is, on windows 10 machine, build progress in qt creator passes, on windows 8.1 machine, there 1 error while building. firstly, error "xxx.dll: lnk1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts target machine type 'x86'". know here "xxx.dll" indeed 'x64' type, , realized windows 8.1 machine thinks "target machine type" x86, modified makefile.debug manually adding "/machine:x64" linkflag. action changed error become "yyy.obj: module machine type 'x86' conflicts target machine type 'x64'". yeah, time vs's link knows target machine should 'x64', looks vs's compiler still compile cpp file 32-bit .obj file.

my question is, why vs's cl thinks should make 32-bit obj file rather 64-bit obj file? and, how let vs's cl make 64-bit obj?

i checked cl command on both machines. same below.

cl -c -nologo -zc:wchar_t -fs -zi -mdd -gr -w3  -w34100 -w34189 -w44996 -ehsc /fd..\<some folder>  -dxxx -iyyy -fodebug\ @c:\users\someuser>\appdata\local\temp\zzz.obj.8160.63.jom zzz.cpp 

visual studio provides different compilers (i.e. cl.exe binaries) different architectures.

check compiler gets called qt creator (for x64 architecture should <ms vs dir>/vc/bin/amd64/cl.exe). guessing either coming default setting in environment (path variable) or have setup qt creator correctly build right architecture.


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