codeigniter - Parsing Variable into TCPDF -

my problem : undefined variable test. code :

<?php  require_once('tcpdf/tcpdf.php');  extract ($datapr);  $test = $datapr ['ref_no']; //print_r $test = 'pr/'  class mypdf extends tcpdf {     public function footer() {       $test;    }  }  ?> 

problem undefined variable $test inside function footer. can me out?

try in side function

<?php  require_once('tcpdf/tcpdf.php');  class mypdf extends tcpdf {     // or  rename footer index();    public function footer() {        extract($datapr);        // print_r $test = 'pr/'        $test = $datapr['ref_no'];        echo $test;    }  } 

if controller first letter of class name should upper case my_pdf.php , class my_pdf extends tcpdf {}


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