delete a row on mysql with php issue -

im trying delete row on php (i did it) but, delete last row, know why... because everytime refresh or enter in page, everytime got id = "lastrow", issue is, dont know why everytime got last row id...`$query = "select * ph"; $rs = mysql_query($query);

    while ($ph = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {       echo utf8_encode("         <tr class='etapastext'>           <td >             ".$ph['name']."           </td>           <td>             <input type='submit' name='".$ph['id']."' value='eliminar' >             <input type='hidden' name='name'  value='".$ph['id']."'>           </td>           "); }` 

then can access id of item wish delete, use code

$query = "delete  ph = '".$_post['name']."'"; mysql_query($query); 

i'm using $_post['name'] because form, dont know if im doing best way or im doing bad

i echoed $query got delete ph = '24' when "24" last row on table

as definition, there should unique name every input type in single form, doing giving multiple input types


so technically when form submitted last input type name='name' sent form. that's doing wrong. not pro according me have 3 options delete row form database table.

  1. use method send value url (best way)

  2. (will mess code) use individual form , submit button each , every input type , important, form should start in td

  3. you create form on run time javascript, , based on selected row values filled , form submitted, (recommended if want use post because make code clean)

hope help


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