html - IE sometimes requests homepage (site root) at the same time as other page -

my site consists of sequence of form-submits. small number of browsers, less 1% , perhaps ie browsers, request home page @ same time every content page. 1 of problem browsers, typical section of iis logs looks this:

15-mar-13   11:07:39 pm post    /content.asp 15-mar-13   11:07:39 pm /mainstyle.css 15-mar-13   11:07:39 pm /images/logo.gif 15-mar-13   11:07:39 pm /images/bar.gif 15-mar-13   11:07:39 pm /images/fill.gif 15-mar-13   11:07:39 pm /images/pbtop.gif 15-mar-13   11:07:39 pm /images/hr.gif 15-mar-13   11:07:39 pm /index.htm 15-mar-13   11:07:39 pm /images/pbbottom.gif 

the request /index.htm spurious (and causing lot of trouble). (iis logs "/index.htm" when request "/".) because iis logs resolved down full second, , items don't appear in exact sequence, it's hard sure if strange request index.htm being triggered preceding page, or in page loading.

my first thought maybe there blank src="" in page somewhere, there isn't, @ least not in browser use test. drives me nuts, because can't duplicate it, , happens tiny fraction of users.

has ever seen this, or guess cause it?

disable "content advisor" in ie, via "tools-> internet options-> content tab"...

if don't have access button because "content advisor" protected password, can try this:

i had same issue , solved reported on


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