python 3.5 - How to look through post in Reddit with praw -

i've been looking @ documentation praw , cannot find method looking through post. want through post

import processingbot import auth import praw  setphrases = ["python", "bots", "jarmahent", "is proves there no global     warming in 1966", "test"] setphrase = ("this bot, ignore reply") username =  def run():     r = praw.reddit(auth.app_ua)     print("signing in")      r.set_oauth_app_info(auth.app_id, auth.app_secret, auth.app_uri)     print("setting oauth app info")      r.refresh_access_information(auth.app_refresh)      sub = r.get_subreddit("processingimages")     print("getting subreddit")     for: #look through post post finder      print("finished")     return r   while true:     run() 

the formatting little wrong, spaced 4 times , pasted , still didnt work.

this covered in example on the documentation front page:

>>> import praw >>> r = praw.reddit(user_agent='my_cool_application') >>> submissions = r.get_subreddit('opensource').get_hot(limit=5) >>> [str(x) x in submissions] 

aside get_hot, there methods rising , top posts.


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