Value of column, based on function over another column in Matlab table -

i'm interested in value of result in same row min value of each column (and have many columns, loop on them, or rowfun not know how 'result' then).

table a

 +----+------+------+----+------+------+--------+ | x1 | x2   | x3   | x4 | x5   | x6   | result | +----+------+------+----+------+------+--------+ | 1  | 4    | 10   | 3  | 12   | 2    | 8      | | 10 | 2    | 8    | 1  | 12   | 3    | 10     | | 5  | 10   | 5    | 4  | 2    | 10   | 12     | +----+------+------+----+------+------+--------+ 


8   10  12  10  12  8 

i know can apply rowfun, don't know how result. , then, can this, cannot loop on columns:

a(cell2mat(a.x1) == min(cell2mat(a.x1)), 7) 

and have tried several ways of making variable can't make work, that:

a(cell2mat(variable) == min(cell2mat(variable)), 7) 

thank you!

assuming data homogeneous can use table2array , second output of min index results:

% set table x1 = [1 10 5]; x2 = [4 2 10]; x3 = [10 8 5]; x4 = [3 1 4]; x5 = [12 12 2]; x6 = [2 3 10]; result = [8 10 12]; t = table(x1.', x2.', x3.', x4.', x5.', x6.', result.', ...     'variablenames', {'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'result'});  % convert = table2array(t); % when passed matrix, min finds minimum of each column default % exclude results column, assumed last [~, minrow] = min(a(:, 1:end-1));  solution = t.result(minrow)' 

which returns:

solution =       8    10    12    10    12     8 

from documentation min:

m = min(a) returns smallest elements of a.


  • if a matrix, min(a) row vector containing minimum value of each column.


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