angularjs - Check in every controller, can it be converted in reusable module? -

i working on angular app has around 3-4 controllers. on each controller need check several things authentication / compatible browsers , redirect error controller. right now, have code block @ start of every controller..

i have ui router in place.. code block @ start of every controller.

help me best possible way make code modular..

if (is.ios() || is.windowsphone()) {             $scope.errorlog = {                 'message': 'this app not compatible browser using',                 'time': new date()             };             $state.go('error', {                 errorlog: $scope.errorlog             });              return;         } 

assuming is service or factory. mentioned use ui router makes task pretty easy.

.state('onlyandroidandwindows', {    url: '/hateiphone',    platforms: ['android', 'windows'] //add state platform needs checked  });

then @ run stage insert route change listener$rootscope, $state, is) {      $rootscope.$on('$statechangestart', function(event, next) {        var currentplatform = is.currentplatform();        var allowedplatforms = (next.platforms) ? next.platforms :    is.allplatforms();        if (allowedplatforms.indexof(currentplatform) === -1) {          event.preventdefault();          var errorlog = {              'message': 'this app not compatible browser using',              'time': new date()          };          $state.go('error', {              errorlog: errorlog          });        }      });      ...


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