Persisting a DenseMatrix in Apache Spark -

is there recommended/proven efficient format or mechanism persist densematrix in apache spark? or should write file?

i generating densematrix post svd operation , need refer , when user queries come in , hence looked often.

any appreciated.

if densematrix mean org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.densematrix (v) local data structure , there no spark specific way handle type of objects.

one way handle write serialized object directly file:

val oos = new   new"/tmp/foo")))  oos.writeobject(svd.v) oos.close() 

and read later using fileinputstream , objectinputstream.readobject. can use human readable serialization of choice json:

import net.liftweb.json.{notypehints, serialization} import net.liftweb.json.serialization.{read, write} implicit val formats = serialization.formats(notypehints)  val serialized: string = write(svd.v)  // write file , read if needed ... // deserialize  val deserialized = read[densematrix](serialized) 


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