c# - How to get the openxml.spreadsheet.cell screen display value -
i have c# application reads uploaded excel file (.xslx) created in excel 2013
i read each cell putting each cell collection of cells per collection of rows using c# openxml library.
the code works correctly except doesn't read formatted excel cell value correctly.
here how cell shows in excel:
i have examined documentformat.openxml.spreadsheet.cell cell
properties cell when c# application reads none of cell properties equals value of may-15 want.
i noticed cell.datatype , cell.cellformula both null cannot used determine format.
the cell.innertext value "42125". if change cells format in excel general displays 42125.
i using code this article
here code snippet using
for (var = 0; < rows.count; i++) { var datarow = new list<string>(); data.datarows.add(datarow); var row = rows[i]; var cellenumerator = getexcelcellenumerator(row); while (cellenumerator.movenext()) { var cell = cellenumerator.current; //return current documentformat.openxml.spreadsheet.cell var text = readexcelcell(cell, workbookpart).trim(); datarow.add(text); } }
private string readexcelcell(cell cell, workbookpart workbookpart) { var cellvalue = cell.cellvalue; var text = (cellvalue == null) ? cell.innertext : cellvalue.text; if ((cell.datatype != null) && (cell.datatype == cellvalues.sharedstring)) { text = workbookpart.sharedstringtablepart.sharedstringtable .elements<sharedstringitem>().elementat( convert.toint32(cell.cellvalue.text)).innertext; } return (text ?? string.empty).trim(); }
how can read display value of cell.innertext of may-15?
is possible convert "may-15" "42125" or "42125" "may-15" using standard c# string/date formatting if given format mmm-y?
the answer 2nd question:
how convert 42125 may-15
var myval = string.format("{0:mmm-yy}", datetime.fromoadate(42125));
convert may-15 42125
var myval = datetime.parseexact("may-15", "mmm-yy", system.globalization.cultureinfo.invariantculture).tooadate();
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