ios - I have a UITableViewController that presents a UIActionSheet, how do I make an action sheet option bring up a modal view? -

i'm having lot of trouble this, , can't seem find answer situation.

i have uitableviewcontroller has button, upon being clicked presents uiactionsheet few options. want 1 of options bring view controller have present in storyboard, ready shown.

the uiactionsheet implemented, actionsheet:clickedbuttonatindex: well, don't know within it.

i tried having within it:

nsstring *buttontitle = [actionsheet buttontitleatindex:buttonindex];  if ([buttontitle isequaltostring:@"text"]) {     addtextviewcontroller *addtextviewcontroller = [self.storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"addtextviewcontroller"];     [self presentviewcontroller:addtextviewcontroller animated:yes]; } 

but error saying: no visible @interface 'rootviewcontroller' declares selector 'presentviewcontroller:animated: that's not working either.

what supposed doing here?

there no such method presentviewcontroller:animated:. method presentviewcontroller:animated:completion:.

so change:

[self presentviewcontroller:addtextviewcontroller animated:yes]; 


[self presentviewcontroller:addtextviewcontroller animated:yes completion:nil]; 

pass in actual completion block if desired.


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