java - Android SQLite database is locked when pressing power button (screen off) -

i'm getting large amount of information server , loading them in sqlite database (about 4000 rows). i'm using following code insert info:

string db_path = "/data/data/";             string db_name = "mydb.sqlite";             sqlitedatabase sqdb = sqlitedatabase.opendatabase(db_path + db_name, null, sqlitedatabase.no_localized_collators);             try {                 //getting info                 sqdb.begintransaction();                 string[] all_elements = all.split("_");                 (int j = 0; j < all_elements .length; j++) {                     if (all_elements [j].length() >= 1) {                         m.setlength(0);                         m.append("insert .....the query");                         m.append(");");                         sqdb.execsql(m.tostring().replaceall("\n", "").replaceall("\r", "").replaceall("\t", ""));                          changeprogressmessage("adding element " + string.valueof(j + 1) + "/" + string.valueof(all_elements .length));                     }                 }                 sqdb.settransactionsuccessful();                 sqdb.endtransaction();             }             catch (exception ex)             {                 log.d("error",ex.tostring());                 sqdb.settransactionsuccessful();                 sqdb.endtransaction();              } 

the point is, when inserting info, if press power button or screen off, app crashes , error saying database locked. please note i'm using connection sqlite database i'm closing before using second one.

 db.opendatabase();                  string[] array_elements = array.split("_");                 (int = 0; < array_elements .length; i++) {                     string details = "";                     if (!array_elements [i].isempty() && !array_elements [i].equals("")) {                          mbuilder.setlength(0);                         mbuilder.append(array_elements [i] + ",'" + helper.getdatetime() + "'");                          db.insertelements(mbuilder.tostring(), "element");                         changeprogressmessage("element" + string.valueof(i + 1) + "/" + string.valueof(array_elements .length) + " inserted");                       }                   }                 db.close(); 

any please ?

sorry guys bad, accessing database in on resume method, when turning off screen turning on, on resume method called database method inside explains crash.


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