Allow only one file of directory in robots.txt? -

i want allow 1 file of directory /minsc, disallow rest of directory.

now in robots.txt this:

user-agent: * crawl-delay: 10 # directories disallow: /minsc/ 

the file want allow /minsc/menu-leaf.png

i'm afraid damage, dont'know if must use:


user-agent: * crawl-delay: 10 # directories disallow: /minsc/ allow: /minsc/menu-leaf.png 



user-agent: * crawl-delay: 10 # directories disallow: /minsc/*    //added "*" ------------------------------- allow: /minsc/menu-leaf.png 


thanks , sorry english.

according the robots.txt website:

to exclude files except one

this bit awkward, there no "allow" field. easy way put files disallowed separate directory, "stuff", , leave 1 file in level above directory:

user-agent: *

disallow: /~joe/stuff/

alternatively can explicitly disallow disallowed pages:

user-agent: *

disallow: /~joe/junk.html

disallow: /~joe/foo.html

disallow: /~joe/bar.html

according wikipedia, if going use allow directive, should go before disallow maximum compatability:

allow: /directory1/myfile.html disallow: /directory1/ 

furthermore, should put crawl-delay last, according yandex:

to maintain compatibility robots may deviate standard when processing robots.txt, crawl-delay directive needs added group starts user-agent record right after disallow , allow directives).

so, in end, robots.txt file should this:

user-agent: * allow: /minsc/menu-leaf.png disallow: /minsc/ crawl-delay: 10 


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