apache spark - kafka to sparkstreaming to HDFS -

i using creatdirectstream in order integrate sparkstreaming , kafka. here code used:

val ssc = new streamingcontext(new sparkconf, seconds(10))     val kafkaparams = map("metadata.broker.list" -> "sandbox:6667")     val topics = set("topic1")      val messages = kafkautils.createdirectstream[string, string, stringdecoder, stringdecoder](       ssc, kafkaparams, topics) 

now want store messages hdfs. right this?


saveastextfiles("/tmp/spark/messages") - persist data in local file system , in case provided folder structure ("/tmp/spark/messages") part of local hdfs show in hdfs directory because saveastextfiles leverages same mapereduce api's write output.

the above work in scenarios spark executors , hdfs on same physical machines in case hdfs directory or url different , not on same machines, executors running, not work.

in case need ensure data persisted in hdfs, practice should provide complete hdfs url. - saveastextfiles("http://<host-name>:9000/tmp/spark/messages")

or can leverage either of following methods: -

  1. dstream.saveasnewapihadoopfiles(<hdfs url location>)
  2. dstream.saveashadoopfiles(<hdfs url location>)


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