apache spark - Why specifying schema to be DateType / TimestampType will make querying extremely slow? -

i'm using spark-csv 1.1.0 , spark 1.5. make schema follows:

private def makeschema(tablecolumns: list[sparksqlfieldconfig]): structtype = {     new structtype(       tablecolumns.map(p => p.columndatatype match {         case fielddatatype.integer => structfield(p.columnname, integertype, nullable = true)         case fielddatatype.decimal => structfield(p.columnname, floattype, nullable = true)         case fielddatatype.string => structfield(p.columnname, stringtype, nullable = true)         case fielddatatype.datetime => structfield(p.columnname, timestamptype, nullable = true)         case fielddatatype.date => structfield(p.columnname, datetype, nullable = true)         case fielddatatype.boolean => structfield(p.columnname, booleantype, nullable = false)         case _ => structfield(p.columnname, stringtype, nullable = true)       }).toarray     )   } 

but when there datetype columns, query dataframes slow. (the queries simple groupby(), sum() , on)

with same dataset, after commented 2 lines map date datetype , datetime timestamptype(that is, map them stringtype), queries become faster.

what possible reason this? thank much!

we have found possible answer problem.

when specifying column datetype or timestamptype, spark-csv try parse dates internal formats each line of row, makes parsing progress slower.

from official documentation, seems can specify in option format dates. suppose can make parsing progress faster.


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