angularjs - Load data SQLite in ionic bootstrap -

i'm looking solution load data sqlite in cordova bootstrap, more in $ionicplatform.ready until here don't have solution. see piece of code (i'm using ionic $cordovasqlite):

app.js file

...$db, $log, params...){     $ionicplatform.ready(function() {         ...         $db.init().then(function(res){              // here need load user             $rootscope.user = res;             $log.debug('1 step = user loaded');         });          $rootscope.$on('$statechangestart', function(event, tostate, toparams){             $log.debug('2 step = use user loaded!');             var _requireauth =;             if(_requireauth && !$rootscope.user){                 event.preventdefault();                 $state.go('login');             }         });      }); ... 

db.js file

app.factory('$db', function($q, $cordovasqlite, params...){     ...     _self.init = function(){                var deferred = $q.defer();          $cordovasqlite.execute($, "select * user limit 1", [])                 .then(function(res){                     if(res.rows.length > 0){                         var _user = {                             id: res.rows.item(0).id,                             name: res.rows.item(0).name,                             ...                         };                         deferred.resolve(_user);                     }                 }, function(err){                     deferred.reject(err);                 });         return deferred.promise;         ...     };     ... }); 

config.js file

app.config(function($urlrouterprovider, params...){     ...     $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/home');     ... }); 

the problem is, need $rootscope.user before all, because need authenticate , redirect, go direct home, because $rootscope.user late , $statechangestart no apply redir. if put in $db.init() callback, behaviour same because default route /home , statechangestart load after db.init().

now i'm using bad method, in home check $rootscope.user , redirect /login, it's bad because first see transition between home , login.

if use localstorage, works fine, need use sqlite.

what best approach this?


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