OrientDB: How to query a graph using dijkstra function while ignoring some edges -

i trying query data orientdb while ignoring edges.

my query has form:

select expand(dijkstra(#12:15,#12:20,'property','both')) 

but mentioned want ignore edges of graph.

are there suggestions?


here graph structure . station vertex image click

path edge image click

thank @ivan mainetti answer have try testing main()

here main()

 string nomedb = "demo2";     try {         system.out.println("before connect oserveradmin");         oserveradmin serveradmin = new oserveradmin("remote:128.199.xxx.xxx/"+nomedb).connect("admin","password");         system.out.println("after connect");         if(serveradmin.existsdatabase()){  // il db esiste             system.out.println("in if");             //connessione db             orientgraph g = new orientgraph("remote:128.199.xxx.xxx/"+nomedb);             dijkstraexcl d = new dijkstraexcl(g, "path", "distance");             set<string> ex =new hashset<string>();              //------------------------------------------------             vertex start = g.getvertex("#12:6");             vertex end = g.getvertex("#12:11");             ex.add("#13:0");             direction direction = direction.out;             system.out.println(d.getpath(start,end,direction,ex));             system.out.println(d.getpathstring(start,end,direction,ex));             system.out.println(d.getweight(start,end,direction,ex));             //------------------------------------------------             //chiude db             g.shutdown();         }         else{             system.out.println("il database '"+ nomedb + "' non esiste");         }         serveradmin.close();     } catch (ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } 

and result after run main() is




the correct answer after ignore [#13:0] should


try following js function has parameters ridfrom, ridto, property, direction , excludeedges. studio can try command:

select expand(result) (select myfunction("12:6","12:11","distance","out","[#13:0]") result) 

the edges "edge1" , "edge2" ignored.

var g=orient.getgraph(); var listedges=excludeedges.substring(1,excludeedges.length-1).split(","); var s=[], t=[] , id_weigth=[] , , , infinity = number.max_value; step1(); step2(); return getpath();  // initialization function step1() {     var selectfrom=g.command("sql","select v @rid ="+ ridfrom);     var selectto=g.command("sql","select v @rid ="+ ridto);     if(selectfrom.length>0 && selectto.length>0){         from=selectfrom[0];          to=selectto[0];              s.push(from);                var selectall=g.command("sql","select v");          (i=0;i<selectall.length;i++) {             if (selectall[i].getid()!=from.getid())                 t.push(selectall[i]);         }         var index=1;         (i=0;i<selectall.length;i++) {             var id = selectall[i].getid();             if (selectall[i].getid()!= from.getid()) {                 id_weigth[index] = {id:id,weigth:infinity};                 index++;             }              else                   id_weigth[0] = {id:id,weigth:0};         }         setweigth_direction(from);     } }  // assignment permanent label function step2(){     var stop = true;     {         stop = true;         (i=0;i<t.length;i++) {             var id = t[i].getid();             (j=0;j<id_weigth.length;j++) {                 if (id_weigth[j].id==id) {                   if (id_weigth[j].weigth != infinity){                         stop = false;                   }                 }             }         }         if (stop == true)             break;         else {              var index2 = 0; minweigth = 0; j = null;             (i=0;i<t.length;i++) {                 var id = t[i].getid();                 (m=0;m<id_weigth.length;m++) {                     if (id_weigth[m].id==id) {                         if (index2 == 0) {                             minweigth = id_weigth[m].weigth;                             index2++;                             j = t[i];                         }                             else if (id_weigth[m].weigth < minweigth) {                             minweigth = id_weigth[m].weigth;                             j = t[i];                         }                     }                 }             }             t.splice(getpositionint(j.getid()),1);             s.push(j);             if (t.length == 0)                 break;             else                 step3(j);         }     } while (stop == false); }  // assignment temporary label function step3(j) {     setweigth_direction(j); }  function setweigth(vertex,direction1,direction2) {     var edges=g.command("sql","select expand(" + direction1+"e()) "+ vertex.getid());     for(m=0;m<edges.length;m++){         var myedge=edges[m];;         var idedge = myedge.getid().tostring();         var validedge=true;         (s=0;s<listedges.length;s++) {             if(listedges[s]==idedge)                 validedge=false;         }         if(validedge==true){             var myweigth = myedge.getproperty(property);             var myvertex=g.command("sql","select expand("+ direction2 + ") " +myedge.getid());             var id = myvertex[0].getid();             if(vertex!=from){                 (p=0;p<t.length;p++) {                     if (t[p].getid()==id) {                         var id_weight_i = getid_weigth(id);                         var id_weight_j = getid_weigth(j.getid());                         var weigthi = id_weight_i.weigth;                         var weigthj = id_weight_j.weigth;                         if (weigthi > weigthj + myweigth) {                             id_weight_i.weigth=weigthj + myweigth;                             id_weight_i.previous=vertex;                         }                     }                 }             }             else{                 (q=0;q<id_weigth.length;q++) {                     if (id_weigth[q].id==id) {                         id_weigth[q].weigth=myweigth;                         id_weigth[q].previous=vertex;                     }                 }             }         }     } }  function getid_weigth(id) {     (l=0;l<id_weigth.length;l++) {         if (id_weigth[l].id==id)              return id_weigth[l];     }     return null; }  function getpath(){     var validpath = true, temp = [], path = [];     temp.push(to);     var npm = getid_weigth(to.getid());     var v = npm.previous;     while (v != from) {         temp.push(v);         if (v == null) {             validpath = false;             break;         }         npm = getid_weigth(v.getid());         v = npm.previous;     }     if (validpath == true) {         temp.push(from);         (i = temp.length - 1; >= 0; i--)             path.push(temp[i]);     }      return path; }  function setweigth_direction(vertex){     if (direction == "both"){         setweigth(vertex,"in","out");         setweigth(vertex,"out","in");     }     else if (direction == "in")         setweigth(vertex,"in","out");     else         setweigth(vertex,"out","in"); }  function getpositionint(id){     (l=0;l<t.length;l++) {         if(t[l].getid()==id)             return l;     }     return null; } 


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