r - AWS EC2 Rstudio Server Error Occured During Transmission -

after on month, have managed piece how setup aws ec2 server. has been hard upload files there conservative (size) limits when done via upload button in rstudio server. error message when attempted "unexpected empty response server".
not unique in respect e.g. trouble uploading large files rstudio using louis aslett's ami on ec2

i have managed use following commands through putty , has allowed me upload files via either filezilla or winscp.

sudo chown -r ubuntu /home/rstudio

sudo chmod -r 755 /home/rstudio

once use these commands , log out, can no longer access rstudio on instances in future logins. can relogin instances via browser, error message: error occurred during transmission

everything fine other once use putty lose browser access instances.
think because command change of ownership or similar. should using different command? if don't use command cannot connect between filezilla/winscp , instance. if thinking of posting comment should closed hardware issue, don't have problem hardware. interested in correct coded commands. thank :)

ok realised going on here. default home directory size aws less 8-10gb regardless of size of instance. trying upload home there not enough room. experienced linux user not have fallen trap, other windows users new come across problem see this. if upload different drive on instance can solved. louis aslett rstudio ami based in 8-10gb space have set working directory outside this, home directory. not intuitively apparent rstudio server interface. whilst advanced forum , rookie error hoping no 1 deletes question spent months on , think else too.

don't change rights of /home/rstudio unless know doing, may cause unexpected issues (and cause issues in case). instead, copy files filezilla or winscp temporary file (let /tmp), ssh instance putty , move file rstudio directory sudo (e.g sudo mv /tmp/myfile /home/rstudio).


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