LLVM: Optimization loading failing on OSX -

i trying run llvm instrumentation project, able load instrumentation optimization under linux.

i have compiled , installed llvm 3.2 , clang 3.2 on osx, , have same version in linux.

when try run in linux:

command opt -load ./obj/llvminstrument/libllvminstrument.so -help |grep instrum     -insert-edge-profiling                     - insert instrumentation edge profiling     -insert-gcov-profiling                     - insert instrumentation gcov profiling     -insert-optimal-edge-profiling             - insert optimal instrumentation edge profiling     -insert-path-profiling                     - insert instrumentation ball-larus path profiling     -instrument_block                          - injects block instrumentation instructions     -instrument_function                       - injects function instrumentation instructions     -instrument_prepare                        - prepares instrumentation instructions 

same command, in osx:

command opt -load ./obj/llvminstrument/libllvminstrument.dylib -help |grep instrum    │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'track-memory' defined more once!                                                  │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'debug-buffer-size' defined more once!                                             │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'print-all-options' defined more once!                                             │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'print-options' defined more once!                                                 │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'print-after-all' defined more once!                                               │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'print-before-all' defined more once!                                              │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'track-memory' defined more once!                                                  │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'debug-buffer-size' defined more once!                                             │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'print-all-options' defined more once!                                             │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'print-options' defined more once!                                                 │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'print-after-all' defined more once!                                               │········ opt: commandline error: argument 'print-before-all' defined more once!                                              │········     -insert-edge-profiling                     - insert instrumentation edge profiling                               │········     -insert-gcov-profiling                     - insert instrumentation gcov profiling                               │········     -insert-optimal-edge-profiling             - insert optimal instrumentation edge profiling                       │········     -insert-path-profiling                     - insert instrumentation ball-larus path profiling 

i don't know how fix this, problem you're linking several of core llvm libraries statically instrumentation dylib in way incompatible being 'dlopen'ed opt driver. thus, when open it, duplicate globals various commandline arguments. has little llvm , more specific build process used on os x have different defaults visibility of symbols and/or shared vs. static linking.


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