cocoa - How do I prevent the menu bar from moving down when my popover is open? -

i have app popover appears on status bar item. thing is, when click on icon while you're in full screen app, move mouse away menu bar click on in popup, menu bar moves up, , popup. it's annoying.

anyone know of way solve this? i've tried attaching invisible menu popup, can't menu invisible.

screenshot clarity, annoying part wave mouse around:

enter image description here

the popover window moving because parent window status item window, , when parent window moves, child moves it. (before investigated this, didn't know cocoa had parent , child windows.) solved problem code after showing popover:

nswindow *popoverwindow = self.popup.contentviewcontroller.view.window; [popoverwindow.parentwindow removechildwindow:popoverwindow]; 

now, menu bar still moves up, @ least popup stays in same place.


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