geolocation - How to detect that Android Camera Geo tagging setting is on/off (GPS Info in the EXIF data) -

i'm trying find out if there's way detect "geotag" or "store-location" setting of camera on android device. don't mean general location access setting i'm familiar with, more "hidden" setting when use camera.

most users not aware exists, , it's turned off default, able tell users setting off can turn on if want to, way pictures have exif data concerning location.

i hope has not been answered before on so, if case, i'm sorry , please link me right thread.

each android device ships own custom camera app, made manufacturer of device. each has own ui , own way/place store setting, if exists device. answer question heavily device-dependent.

but if restrict aosp camera app, app used on nexus devices, there's no api this. app asks if want enable gps tagging first time app run, , after option enable/disable geotagging can found in settings.

there's no way confirm if setting on, since it's not part of public or standard android api. might able accessibility api read these settings, requires substantial permissions (accessibility service documentation here).


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