Javascript/JQuery populate array many elements -

okay, i'm using tampermonkey/greasemonkey load , save data userscripts using gm_getvalue/setvalue

at 1 point, had stored 7000 objects 1 of these arrays, , proceeded output via , $(disp.document.body).text , subsequent .join call on array. allowed me copy 7000 objects strings normal .txt file in notepad.

however, issue comes this: cleared original array of 7000 objects, want restore of these array; without having either manually array[0] = "foo" , array [1] = "bar" etc.

i thinking maybe open new window, dump 7000 strings it, , somehow have button parse window? not sure how

i'm wondering what's efficient/easiest way manually populate array outside source (notepad) javascript arrays.

hopefully makes sense

have tried using string.protype.split()?

arr = textfromfile.split(/\n|\r/); 


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