angularjs - angular $routeProvider with html5 -

i have problem $routeprovider when use html5mode correctly. when access /profile/: child fine, when page refreshed, on page errors. there wrong code below:

app.config(function ($routeprovider, $locationprovider) {  var pathviews = function (file) {     return 'http://localhost/mycompany/app/views/' + file; }; var patherror = function (file) {     return 'app/views/error/' + file; }; $locationprovider.html5mode(true); $routeprovider     .when('/', {         templateurl: pathviews('dashboard.html'),         controller :'mainctrl'     })     .when('/home', {         templateurl: pathviews('dashboard.html'),         controller :'mainctrl'     })     .when('/profile/:child', {         templateurl: function($routeparams) {             return pathviews($routeparams.child+'.html')},                 controller:'mainctrl'     })     .when('/404', {         templateurl: patherror('404.html'),         controller :'mainctrl'     })     .when('/form-standard', {         templateurl: pathviews('form-standard.html'),         controller :'mainctrl'     })     .otherwise({redirectto: '/404'});}); 

and index.html is: <div ng-view ></div>

this normal since when refresh page web server tries load requested resource doesn't exist on server instead handled on client side.

for example,if deploy "routeprovided" angularjs application on apache, should edit .htaccess (source):

rewriteengine on  # don't rewrite files or directories rewritecond %{request_filename} -f [or] rewritecond %{request_filename} -d rewriterule ^ - [l]  # rewrite else index.html allow html5 state links rewriterule ^ index.html [l] 

in plain english, have tell web server redirect every request main module entry point.


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