facebook - Maintenance mode still showing when sharing in Wordpress -

i have deleted plugin maintenance mode , site has been online 3 days. however, when share blog post in facebook title gives me maintenance mode.

you can see example in page:


i have disabled cache plugin , have cleared cache in browser. nothing seems work.

i have tried put url in https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug tells me have errors , don´t have access ftp of web site.

and in yoast seo plugin have open graph data added.

what can do?

adding in 2 cents -- having similar scenario placed website in mm few days make changes. have not disabled it, uninstalled plugin trying remove mm when going share on fb or twitter...

what did: cbrow shared hector problem, visited: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/

placed url page kept giving old maintenance mode when shared, hit "debug" , viola! self-corrected instantly.

thanks help! lez


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