android - Passing parameter in request handler is not showing correct results -

new android, trivial issue not resolve in last 3 hours.

when use parameter called keyword, not showing correct results. otherwise working fine if pass keyword value in url. not sure, how pass parameter in url correctly retrieves correct result.

 requesthandle requesthandle = client.get("" + keyword + "&startrecord=1&maximumrecords=10&recordschema=dc", new texthttpresponsehandler() { 

above not showing correct results.

 requesthandle requesthandle = client.get("", new texthttpresponsehandler() { 

is working correctly.

i tried check value of keyword:

toast.maketext(getactivity().getapplicationcontext(), "checkdetails " + keyword, toast.length_long).show(); 

result below:

checkdetails keyword=knowledge

any suggestions welcome. in advance.

i changed

                params.put("keyword", keyword); 


                params.put("query", keyword); 

which resolved issue.


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