c++ - Searching parallel arrays -

my program designed take input file containing list of titles , authors. file looks so:

 title associated author next title associated author etc. 

the problem i'm having showbooksbytitle , showbooksbyauthor functions. right code returns exact matches , prints empty newline , new line spaces , ().

of course appreciated. first year programming. i've included whole code safe i'm not leaving out problem.

#include <iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> #include<cstring>  using namespace std;  struct book {     string title;     string author; };  const int array_size = 1000; book books [array_size];  int loaddata (string); void showall (int); int showbooksbyauthor (int, string); int showbooksbytitle (int, string);  int main() {     //declare variables     string pathname;     string title;     string name;     string word;     int count;     char response;      //ask user pathname     cout << "what path of library file? ";     cin >> pathname;     cout << endl;     count = loaddata(pathname);      //input data arrays     loaddata(pathname);     cout << endl << count << " records loaded successfully." << endl << endl;      //show user menu     cout << "please enter q quit, search author, t search title, "     << endl << "or s show all: ";     cin >> response;      switch(response) {         case 'q':             break;         case 'q':             break;         case 'a':             cout << endl << "please enter author's name: ";             cin >> name;             showbooksbyauthor(count, name);             break;         case 'a':             cout << endl << "please enter author's name: ";             cin >> name;             showbooksbyauthor(count, name);             break;         case 't':             cout << endl << "please enter or part of title: ";             cin >> title;             showbooksbytitle(count, title);             break;         case 't':             cout << endl << "please enter or part of title: ";             cin >> title;             showbooksbytitle(count, title);             break;         case 's':             cout << endl;             showall(count);             break;         case 's':             cout << endl;             showall(count);             break;         default:             cout << endl << "invaled input, please try again: ";             break;     }      //pause , exit     cout << endl;     system("pause");     return 0; }   int loaddata(string pathname) {     int = 0;     int j = 0;     ifstream library;      //open file, if not successful, output error message     library.open(pathname.c_str());     if (!library.is_open()) {         cout << "unable open input file." << endl;         return -1;     }     //reads title , author file designated string     //this assuming title comes first , author comes after     while(!library.eof()) {         getline(library, books[i].title);         getline(library, books[i].author);         i++;     }     return i; }  void showall (int count) {     (int = 0; < count; i++) {         cout << books[i].title << " (" << books[i].author << ")" << endl;     } }  int showbooksbyauthor(int count, string name) {     int found;     for(int n = 0; n < 28; n++) {         found = name.find(books[n].author);         if(found != string::npos) {             cout << endl << books[n].title << " (" << books[n].author << ")" << endl;         }     }     return 0; }   int showbooksbytitle (int count, string title) {     int found;     for(int n = 0; n < 28; n++) {         found = title.find(books[n].title);         if(found !=string::npos) {             cout << endl << books[n].title << " (" << books[n].author << ")" << endl;         }     }     return 0; } 

the unexpected output because read data file wrong. streams eof flag not set until after tried operation on stream, loop iterates 1 many times.

change loop in loaddata this:

while(getline(library, books[i].title) && getline(library, books[i].author))     i++; 

this uses fact std::getline return stream, , stream can used true/false value.


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