javascript - How to change body background image by clicking a button in Angular Js? -

hello adding buttons website allow users change background.

i trying make background change angular.

so far have been able change background color couple ways (changing single color , gradient)... however, trying change background-image 1 button , other button trying change background gradient , background-size @ same time.

these steps have done far:

  1. <body ng-style="mystyle">

    • successful: <input type="button" class="bg stripes" ng-click="mystyle={background: 'red'}">

    • failing: <input type="button" class="bg numbers" ng-click="mystyle={background-image:'url(../images/count2.png)'}">

    • successful: <input type="button" class="bg stripes" ng-click="mystyle={background:'linear-gradient(45deg, #379690 25%, #3aa19b 25%, #3aa19b 50%, #379690 50%, #379690 75%, #3aa19b 75%, #3aa19b)'}">

    • failing: <input type="button" class="bg stripes" ng-click="mystyle={background:'linear-gradient(45deg, #379690 25%, #3aa19b 25%, #3aa19b 50%, #379690 50%, #379690 75%, #3aa19b 75%, #3aa19b)',background-size:'100px 100px'}">

please help! lot!

you have problem syntax. need wrap background-image key in quotes, otherwise it's not valid identifier. works background because having nothing alpha characters, doesn't require quotes.

<input type="button" class="bg numbers" ng-click="mystyle={'background-image': 'url(../images/count2.png)'}"> 

then work properly:

angular.module('demo', [])
<script src=""></script>    <body ng-app="demo" ng-style="mystyle">      <input type="button" class="bg numbers" ng-click="mystyle={'background-image': 'url('}" value="set background">    </body>


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