php - How do I create a section (form) for the WordPress plugin setting page (admin panel)? -

i using herbert plugin framework , creating plugin.

here code using:


$panel->add([     'type' => 'panel',     'as'   => 'mainpanel',     'title' => 'plugin',     'rename' => 'general',     'slug' => 'plugin-admin-settings',     'icon' => 'dashicons-chart-area',     'uses' => __namespace__ . '\controllers\plugincontroller@createadminpage' ]); 

now plugincontroller

 <?php     namespace plugin\controllers;      use herbert\framework\models\option;     use herbert\framework\redirectresponse;     use herbert\framework\http;     use \google_client;     use \google_service_analytics;     use plugin\helper;      class plugincontroller {          public static function createadminpage()         {             $this->option = get_option('pluginauthenticationsetting');              //if (!isset($this->option['authenticationcode'])):             //if (get_option('pluginauthenticationsetting') == false):                  return view('@plugin/auth.twig', [                   'title'   => 'analytics reports',                   'content' => self::settings()                 ]);             //endif;         }          public static function settings()         {             settings_fields('pluginauthenticationsetting');             do_settings_sections('pluginauthenticationsetting');             submit_button();         }          public static function pageinit()         {             wp_register_script(                 'plugin',                 helper::asseturl('/jquery/plugin.js'),                 array( 'jquery' )             );              wp_localize_script(                'plugin',                'ajax_object',                array( 'ajax_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),                'we_value' => 1234 )             );              register_setting(                'pluginauthenticationsetting',                'plugin_authorization_setting',                array( __class__, 'sanitize' )             );              add_settings_section(                'authenticationsection',                'authentication section',                array( __class__, 'printauthenticationsection' ),                'pluginauthenticationsetting'             );              add_settings_field(                'authenticationcode',                 'authentication code',                array( __class__, 'authenticationcodecallback' ),                'apluginauthenticationsetting',                'authenticationsection'             );         }          public function sanitization( $input )         {             $new_input = array();              if (isset( $input['authenticationcode']))                 $new_input['authenticationcode'] = sanitize_text_field($input['authenticationcode']);              return $new_input;         }          public static function printauthenticationsection()         {             print 'enter authentication code below:';         }          public static function authenticationcodecallback()         {              printf( '<input type="text" id="authentication" name="analyticaauthenticationsetting[authenticationcode]" value="%s" />', isset( $this->option['authenticationcode'] ) ? esc_attr( $this->option['authenticationcode'] ) : '');         }     } 

now pageinit() needs admin_init hook. if create constructor , try add_action('admin_init', array(__class__, 'pageinit'));, not working. if use in panel creation , call createadminpage taht not working. how can done?

it generates no error, , submit button displayed.

we need focus on want send data.

answer: administration side of wordpress, is, need use panel job. when send data client side, use route.

here code.

creating panel

$panel->add([     'type' => 'panel',     'as'   => 'mainpanel',     'title' => 'analytica',     'rename' => 'general',     'slug' => 'analytica-admin-settings',     'icon' => 'dashicons-chart-area',     'uses' => __namespace__ . '\controllers\analyticacontroller@index',     'post' => [         // sending data save using post.         'save' => __namespace__ . '\controllers\analyticacontroller@save',         ] ]); 

controller display page , save data in database

<?php namespace analytica\controllers;      use herbert\framework\models\option;     use herbert\framework\redirectresponse;     use herbert\framework\http;     use herbert\framework\enqueue;     use herbert\framework\notifier;     use \google_client;     use analytica\helper;      class analyticacontroller {         public function index(){             // display form         }          public function save(){             // validate , save data         }     } 

you need focus on use herbert\framework\models\option;. means there model called option represents wp_options table.

now, functions use here?

we can use laravel eloquent , schema here. may understand it; can lot of things here. having pre-built models , working on same laravel.

note: forget hooks time. can still suit theme, of cases not need theme.


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