php - Removing frontend dependancies from WordPress Advanced Custom Fields -

i'm trying make theme totally independent of acf's get_field , the_field (so in case plugin disabled site not break). have image loaded via custom field 'slider_image' inline background-image. need call url of image. possible load inlined html? here's working code (w/ acf's the_field):

    <!-- hero image -->     <section class="hero" style="background: url('<?php the_field('slider_image'); ?>') no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;">     </section>     <!-- end hero image --> 

how can use get_post_meta rewrite statement in case plugin disabled?

i've tried:

<section class="hero" style="background: url('<?php echo get_post_meta( get_the_id(), 'slider_image', true ); ?>') no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;"> 

which returns:

<section class="hero" style="background: url('98') no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;"> 

this must id of post attached image. grab current image must use of embedded wp functions wp_get_attachment_image (if want print image tag) or wp_get_attachment_image_src (if want image attributes)

for example in case, when want url of image can this:

$img_id = get_post_meta( get_the_id(), 'slider_image', true ); $image_attr = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $img_id, 'large' ); //returns false or array if ( $image_attr ) {     $img_url = $image_attr[0]; ?>     <section class="hero" style="background: url('<?php echo $img_url; ?>') no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;"> <?php } ?> 


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