Xamarin forms C#, How to make the label change value in a listview? -

my code , listview works fine (no errors , label in listview), when click on stepper want value of label created change in listview. doesn't anything. check out code below.

my xaml:

<stepper minimum="0" maximum="10" increment="0.1" valuechanged="onsteppervaluechanged" />      <label text="{binding amount}" /> 

my listview code figured out , add public class string in listview give value of 0.

public class theinfo  {     public string amount { get; set; } }  mylist.add (new theinfo () {amount = "0" }); //i add in listviewcode. works, 0 in listview on every created row.  async void onsteppervaluechanged(object sender, valuechangedeventargs e) {     new theinfo () {amount = string.format ("stepper value {0:f1}", e.newvalue) }; //i reckon have convert amount label.text somehow? } 


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