java - Spring WS No adapter for endpoint error -

i trying create new spring web service in eclipse , test in soapui. when try run request in soapui gives me below error.

no adapter endpoint [public org.jdom.element com.pmp.adminendpoint.handlesigninrequest(org.jdom.element) throws java.lang.exception]: endpoint annotated @endpoint, or implement supported interface messagehandler or payloadendpoint? 

below admin.xsd

<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""         xmlns:admin=""         elementformdefault="qualified"         targetnamespace="">       <xs:element name="signinrequest">         <xs:complextype>             <xs:all>                 <xs:element name="email" type="xs:string"/>                 <xs:element name="password" type="xs:string"/>             </xs:all>         </xs:complextype>     </xs:element>       <xs:element name="signinresponse" type="xs:string" />   </xs:schema> 

and spring-ws-servlet.xml

<beans xmlns=""   xmlns:xsi=""   xmlns:context=""   xmlns:sws=""   xsi:schemalocation="">    <context:component-scan base-package="com.pmp"/>   <sws:annotation-driven/>    <sws:dynamic-wsdl id="admin"                                                                porttypename="admindataservice"                                                              locationuri="/admin/">                                  <sws:xsd location="/web-inf/admin.xsd"/>                                                   </sws:dynamic-wsdl>  <bean id="adminendpoint" class="com.pmp.adminendpoint">         <constructor-arg ref="admindataservice" />     </bean>     <bean id="admindataservice" class="com.pmp.admindataserviceimpl" />     <bean id="admindataserviceregister" class="">         <property name="defaultendpoint" ref="adminendpoint" />     </bean> </beans> 

and adminendpoint handlesigninrequest method

 @payloadroot(namespace = namespace_uri, localpart = "signinrequest")           @responsepayload       public element handlesigninrequest(@requestpayload element signinrequest)             throws exception {         string email = emailexpression.valueof(signinrequest);         string password = passwordexpression.valueof(signinrequest);          admindataservice.signin(email, password);         return new element("signinresponse");       } 

any idea on problem, in advance.


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