r - Sending Rstudio view() content to different pane -

using rstudio, attempting display dataframe using view() command. command automatically sends output 'source' quadrant.

is there way send instead either "workspace" quandrant or "files,plots..." quadrant? here code:

qrows <- data.frame( rowquery = character(0), "backtest p&l" = character(0), stringsasfactors=false) qrows[nrow(qrows) + 1, ] <- c("@sp500(vwpc) | rsi(30) | qcume",  "12%") view(qrows) 

to display data frame in "files,plots..." quadrant (viewer) use dt package:

if (!require("dt")) devtools::install_github("rstudio/dt") datatable(qrows) 

all commands open in separate window:

  1. new window can edit data; whet open can't code in console , run code code editor; after closing window info table displayed console
  1. like in point 1, without displaying info console after closing window


  1. like in point 2, can't edit info window , can use console

r package googlevis can send table browser:

if (!require("googlevis")) devtools::install_github("rstudio/googlevis") plot(gvistable(qrows)) 

knitr/rmarkdown can send dataframe html/pdf/doc/slides etc; create beautiful table in console or markdown issued file with:

if (!require("knitr")) devtools::install_github("rstudio/knitr") knitr::kable(qrows)  


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