angularjs - ng-click on accordion panel header -

i have been working on angularjs uib-accordion , able make functional, when click on panel title expands that's fine, trying when click anywhere on panel heading should expand. need suggestion on it.

<uib-accordion>     <uib-accordion-group style="border-radius:0px !important; margin:10px;"ng-repeat="filter in filtergroup" heading="{{filter.label}}">         code     </uib-accordion-group> </uib-accordion> 

if don't mind adding property filter, can have is-open attribute assigned property , toggle on ng-click (as shown below). if don't want property assigned filter object, there other methods (for example, push filter isopen array, , is-open="isopen.indexof(filter)>-1")

<uib-accordion>     <uib-accordion-group ng-repeat="filter in filtergroup"            heading="{{filter.label}}"            ng-click="filter.isopen==!filter.isopen"            is-open="filter.isopen">         ...      </uib-accordion-group> </uib-accordion> 


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