matlab - Scatter plot color thresholding -

i trying write script plot florescence intensity microscopy data scatter plot , threshold data based on cells respond greater amount in cfpmax , plot these in green , cells not in red. when try plot this, unable assign proper colors points , end being blue , red. need each cell in image assigned 4 values, (3 values for each florescence channel , 1 value determine whether or not responded (green or red). wondering if possible assign proper color 4th column of matrix, or if going wrong way together. have attached code below.

mchr=csvread('data1.csv'); myfp=csvread('data2.csv'); mcfp=csvread('data3.csv');  cfpmax=(max(mcfp))'; mchmax=(max(mchr))'; yfpmax=(max(myfp))';  c=zeros(length(cfpmax));  i=1:length(c)     if cfpmax(i)>40         c(i)='g'; %// green responders     else         c(i)='r'; %// red non-responders     end end  mm=horzcat(mchmax,yfpmax,cfpmax,c);   scatter(mm(:,1),mm(:,2),100,mm(:,4),'filled','markeredgecolor',[0 0 0]) title('responders vs non-responders ') xlabel('[tf1]') %// x-axis label ylabel('[tf2]') %// y-axis label 

as far can tell the documentation, input parameter c (assuming scatter(x,y,a,c,...)) can 1 of:

  • a single character specifying colour e.g. 'g' or 'r'. 1 single scalar colouring of points.
  • a single rgb triple colouring of points [1,0,0] red or [0,1,0] green.
  • a 3 column matrix of rgb triples. want. demonstrate you.
  • a 1 column matrix of numbers colour points according colormap. 1 work less explicitly. incidentally, guess option matlab though vector of characters was.

so in order create matrix of rgb triples can modify code be

c=zeros(length(cfpmax),3); = 1:length(cfpmax)     if cfpmax(i)>40         c(i,:)=[0,1,0]; %// green responders     else         c(i,:)=[1,0,0]; %// red non-responders     end end 

however, away for-loop in matlab , construct c in vectorized approach using logical indexing:

c=zeros(length(cfpmax),3); c(cfpmax > 40, 2) = 1;  %// green responders c(cfpmax <= 40, 1) = 1; %// red responders 

this more idiomatic way in matlab.


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