php - What is a good database design approach for my Online Quiz Android Application? -

i have been working on android online quiz application php & mysql. know attributes need when designing relationship becomes complex , confusing when analysed it. not know if database design before write in mysql , implement in project. see erd below:

enter image description here

as design above, trying design work creating charts android chart generation library. not sure design , thinking might struggle ending redone database design. suggestions this? in advance.

from experience, can built in better way json documents of nosql database mongodb, allows following:

  • schema less : mongodb document database in 1 collection holds different different documents.
  • structure of single object clear.
  • no complex joins.
  • deep query-ability.
  • tuning.
  • ease of scale-out: mongodb easy scale.

try out mlab provide mongodb-as-a-service , can connected web app deployed using heroku.


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