python - Django Category Model and Template View Issue -

my question 2 phased it's same django model. trying category model work petition model. currently,

i 'fielderror' error when define queryset 'categoryview' class:

cannot resolve keyword 'created_on' field. choices are: description, id, petition, slug, title 

here code 'categoryview' class:

class categoryview(generic.listview):     model = category     template_name = 'petition/category.html'     context_object_name = 'category_list'      def get_queryset(self):         return category.objects.order_by('-created_on')[:10] 

here code in

class category(models.model):     title = models.charfield(max_length=90, default="select appropriate category")     slug = models.slugfield(max_length=200, unique=true)     description = models.textfield(null=false, blank=false)      class meta:         verbose_name_plural = "categories"      def __str__(self):         return self.title      def get_absolute_url(self):         return "/categories/%s/"%self.slug  class petition(models.model):     title = models.charfield(max_length= 90, default="enter petition title here")     created_on = models.datetimefield(auto_now_add=true)     image = models.imagefield(null=false, upload_to=imageupload)     video = models.charfield(max_length=600, default="enter external video link")     petition = models.textfield(null=false, default="type petition here")     created_by = models.foreignkey(user)     category = models.manytomanyfield(category)      def total_likes(self):         return self.like_set.count()      def __str__(self):         return self.title[:50]      def get_signatures(self):         return self.signature_set.all() 

i 'fielderror' on category view template (category.html) when 'get_queryset()' has been defined.

when comment out, page displays posts not retrieved; list of categories instead. here category view template(category.html):

{% include 'layout/header.html' %} {% load humanize %}      <div class="container content">     <div class="row">     <div class="col-md-8 post-area">     {% if category_list %} {% petition in category_list %} <div class="petition-block"> <h2 class="home-title"><a href="{% url 'detail' %}">{{petition.title}}</a></h2> <span class="petition-meta"> created {{petition.created_on|naturaltime}}  {% if petition.created_by == user %}  {% else %} @{{ petition.created_by }} {% endif %}      {% if petition.created_by == user %}     <a href="{% url 'editpetition' %}">edit</a>     {% endif %}     {% if petition.created_by == user %}     <a href="{% url 'deletepetition' %}">delete</a>     {% endif %} </span>      {% if petition.image %}         <img src="{{ petition.image.url }}" alt="petition image" class="img-responsive" />     {% endif %}  </div><!--//petition-block--> {% endfor %}  {% else %}      <p>sorry, there no posts in database</p>  {% endif %} </div>   <div class="col-md-4"> <h3>topics</h3> <ul>     {% petition in category_list %}     <li><a href="#">{{petition.title}}</a></li>     {% endfor %} </ul> </div>  </body> </html> 

what doing wrong? please help.

that's because trying order category's queryset created_on , category model doesn't have field called created_on. field within petition model. if want order categories petition's created_on should "join" between tables, django's orm easy.

for simplicity on code better name relation

class petition(models.model):     ...     categories = models.manytomanyfield(category, related_name='petitions')     ... 

now can refer category's petitions 'petitions'


for use petitions within template best way prefetch petitions on queryset avoid hitting database every time in loop.


that bring every petition each category. in template can use:

{% category in category_list %}     {% petition in category.petitions.all %}         ...         @{{ petition.created_by }}         ...     {% end %} {% end %} 


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