laravel 4 - Unable to create the "app/uploads/nameof the folder/1578/3" directory Lravel4 on Digital Ocean server -

i code throwing error

unable create "app/uploads/rescom summit bangalore 2016/1578/3" directory

    if (input::file($key)->isvalid()) {                           $destinationpath = 'app/uploads/'.$event.'/'.$userid.'/3'; // upload path                           $extension = input::file($key)->getclientoriginalextension(); // getting image extension                           $name = input::file($key)->getclientoriginalname();                           $curfilesize = input::file($key)->getclientsize();                           $mime =input::file($key)->getmimetype();                          // dd($mime);                           //$filename = $name; // renameing image                           //$exstfilesize = input::file($destinationpath, $filename); if (!file::exists($destinationpath."/boq-".$name)){                              //creating details saving inthe file_handler table                                 $filetblobj->user_id =  $userid;                                 $filetblobj->eventname = $event ;                                 $filetblobj->filename = "boq-".$name;                                 $filetblobj->formpage =3 ;                                 $filetblobj->filepath = $destinationpath."/";                                 $filetblobj->mime= $mime;                                 $ans->answer_text = 'yes';                                   input::file($key)->move($destinationpath, "boq-".$name); // uploading file given path                                 //input::file($key)->move($boqpath, $boqname); // uploading file given path                                   //save filedetails                                 $filetblobj->save();                                   $ans->save();                                 session::flash('success', 'upload successfully');                          }else if(file::size($destinationpath."/".$name) != $curfilesize){                                  $filedtls = $filetblobj->where('uid',$userid)->where('filename',$name)->where('formpage',3)->first();                                 input::file($key)->move($destinationpath, $name);                                 $ans->answer_text = 'yes';                                 $ans->save();                                  $filetblobj->where('id',$filedtls->id)->update(array('updated_at'=>date("y-m-d h:m:s",time())));                         }                       //return redirect::to('upload');                     } 

also in browser getting

 protected function gettargetfile($directory, $name = null)     {         if (!is_dir($directory)) {             if (false === @mkdir($directory, 0777, true)) {                 throw new fileexception(sprintf('unable create "%s" directory', $directory));             }         } elseif (!is_writable($directory)) { 

this works fine on local system

i have changed permission

chmod -r 777 /var/www/laravel/app 

can me out this



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