python - Connecting and Executing mongodb commands remotely through pymongo -

below python code connects remotely mongodb host , executes mongodb command "db.serverstatus().connections".

expected output below script :

{  "current" : 43, "available" : 51157, "totalcreated" : numberlong(3988) }  

but i'm not getting output.....

python code:

import pymongo  host = '' port = 27018 db_name='test' user='user' passwrd='password'  def get_connection():     con=pymongo.connection(host,port)     db=con[db_name]     try:         db.authenticate(user,passwrd)         print db.command("serverstatus")["connections"]      except:         return none     return db  get_connection() 


mongodb:// required prefix identify string in standard connection format.

username:password@ optional. if given, driver attempt login database after connecting database server. authentication mechanisms, username specified , password not, in case ":" after username left off host1 required part of uri. identifies server address connect to.

:portx optional , defaults :27017 if not provided.

/database name of database login , relevant if username:password@ syntax used. if not specified "admin" database used default.

?options connection options. note if database absent there still / required between last host , ? introducing options. options name=value pairs , pairs separated "&". backwards compatibility, ";" accepted separator in addition "&", should considered deprecated.

click here detailed explanation on above command


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