cmake - Building Rstudio using Qtcreator (Compile error) -

i'm trying compile rstudio following instructions given here. after opening file rstudio/src/cpp/cmakelists.txt in qtcreator , running cmake, build error

/home/nesau/documents/github/rstudio/src/cpp/tests/cpp/tests/vendor/catch.hpp :1185:23:error: 'nullptr_t' not member of 'std' std::string tostring( std::nullptr_t );                    ^ 

i've followed previous instructions such installing required dependencies (os: arch linux). words of advice managed setup rstudio in qt-creator appreciated - i'm open using different os in vm if need - i'm not sure why can't compile rstudio (the github wiki isn't detailed).

you have switch c++11 mode. add -std=c++11 cmake_cxx_flags.


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