Why is my C bigint modexp so slow, or, why is it so fast in python? -

as learning experience decided cook own bigint routines taking modexp, in c. code below, summarize: it's repeated squaring montgomery multiplication. , takes forever run. on virtual machines has 1gb ram, bigger around 128-bit prime modulus causes program kill itself, , smaller ones still take appreciable amount of time. meanwhile, in python, did

def modexp ( g, u, p ):    s = 1    while u != 0:       if u & 1:          s = (s * g)%p       u >>= 1       g = (g * g)%p;    return s p = 0xffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3dc2007cb8a163bf0598da48361c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3ad961c62f356208552bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08ca237327ffffffffffffffff g = 0x02 = int(urandom(1000).encode('hex'),base=16) % p modexp(g,a,p) 

and it's, like, instant. python have ton of stuff precomputed dealing bigints, or there deep going on, or outcome once again, say, have no idea i'm doing?

here's of relevant c code, not i'm asking read through all, may include it...

bigints stored in typedef struct string wrapper char * len , sign fields.

string __modexpodd(string a, string e, string n){//assumes  modulus odd. repeated squaring mongtomery multiplication.     string r = chartos(0x01);     int rpow=0;     int ebits  = countsignificantbits(e);     while(__bigintcomp(r,n)==-1){         r = stringleftshift(r,1);         rpow++;     }     string nprime = extendedeuclidean(r,n,chartos(0x01))[1];     nprime.sign = 1;     string abar = bigintdivide(bigintmultiply(a,r),n)[1];     string xbar = bigintdivide(r,n)[1];     for(int = ebits-1; i>=0; i--){         xbar = __monpro(xbar, xbar, n, nprime, rpow);         if(bigintparity(stringrightshift(e,i))){             xbar = __monpro(abar, xbar, n, nprime, rpow);         }     }     return  __monpro(xbar, chartos(0x01), n, nprime, rpow); } 

debugging tells me worst bottleneck division step in main loop of extended euclidean algorithm:

string *extendedeuclidean(string a, string b, string c){ //returns x, y, 0 <= x < b such ax + = c     string s,s,t,t,r,r,q,temp;      s=chartos(0x00);     s=chartos(0x01);     t=chartos(0x01);     t=chartos(0x00);     r=bigintcopy(b);     r=bigintcopy(a);     int revflag = 0;     if(bigintcomp(a,b)==-1){// need have a>b work.         temp = r;         r = r;         r = temp;         revflag = 1;     }      while(bigintcomp(r,chartos(0x00))!=0){         q = bigintdivide(r,r)[0];         memcpy(&temp, &r, sizeof(string)); r = bigintsubtract(r, bigintmultiply(q, r)); memcpy(&r, &temp, sizeof(string));         memcpy(&temp, &s, sizeof(string)); s = bigintsubtract(s, bigintmultiply(q, s)); memcpy(&s, &temp, sizeof(string));         memcpy(&temp, &t, sizeof(string)); t = bigintsubtract(t, bigintmultiply(q, t)); memcpy(&t, &temp, sizeof(string));     }     //at point, s*a + t*b = r = gcd(a,b), , t,s quotients of a,b gcd.     string *qr = bigintdivide(c,r);     string ratio = bigintcopy(qr[0]);     if(bigintcomp(qr[1],chartos(0x00))!=0) return null;     if(revflag==1){         temp = s;         s = t;         t = temp;     }      //normalise s, t 0 <= s < b     if(s.sign==-1){         qr = bigintdivide(bigintabs(s),bigintabs(b));         string q = (bigintcomp(qr[1],chartos(0x00))==0) ? qr[0] : bigintincr(qr[0]);         s = bigintadd(s,bigintmultiply(q,bigintabs(b)));         t = bigintsubtract(t, bigintmultiply(q,bigintabs(a)));     }     //multiply correct coefficients     s = bigintmultiply(s,ratio);     t = bigintmultiply(t,ratio);     string *ret = calloc(2,sizeof(string));     ret[0] = s;     ret[1] = t;     return ret; } 

and might curious see division routine, long division:

string *__bigintdivide(string a, string b){ //assumes a, b positive     string *qr = calloc(2, sizeof(string));     if(__bigintcomp(b,chartos(0x00))==0){         return null;     }     if(__bigintcomp(a,b)==-1){         qr[0] = chartos(0x00);         qr[1] = bigintcopy(b);         return qr;     }     if(__bigintcomp(a,b)==0){         qr[0] = chartos(0x01);         qr[1] = chartos(0x00);         return qr;     }     int pow = ispowerof2(b);     if(pow!=-1){         qr[0] = stringrightshift(a,pow);         qr[1] = getsignificantbits(a,pow);         qr[0].sign=1;         qr[1].sign=1;         return qr;     }     //long division, in base-256     string divisor = chartos(a.c[0]);     string quotient = nullstring;     int i=1;     do{          while(__bigintcomp(divisor,b)==-1 && i<a.len){              divisor = stringcat(divisor, chartos(a.c[i]));             i++;         }         if(i == a.len && __bigintcomp(divisor, b) == -1){             break;         }         qr = __findquotient(divisor, b, chartos(0x00), chartos(0xff));         quotient = stringcat(quotient, qr[0]);         divisor = qr[1];     }while(i<a.len);     qr[0] = bigintcopy(quotient);     qr[1] = bigintcopy(divisor);     return qr; }  string *__findquotient(string divisor, string dividend, string minq, string maxq){ //an o(log n) division routine, finds q binary search instead of linear     string q = stringrightshift(bigintadd(minq,maxq),1);     string diff = stringrightshift(bigintsubtract(maxq,minq),1);     string p = bigintmultiply(dividend, q);     string *qr=calloc(2,sizeof(string));      while( __bigintcomp(diff, chartos(0x00)) == 1){         fflush(stdout);         if(__bigintcomp(divisor, p) == 1){ // if divisor > dividend *q, q small.             q = bigintadd(q, diff);         }         if(__bigintcomp(divisor, p) == -1){ // if divisor < dividend * q, q big.             q = bigintsubtract(q, diff);         }         if(__bigintcomp(divisor, p)==0){             qr[0] = q;             qr[1] = chartos(0x00);             return qr;         }         p = bigintmultiply(dividend, q);         diff = stringrightshift(diff,1);     }     while(__bigintcomp(divisor, p)==1){ // if > b*q, q small, increment it. afterwards, 1 big.         q = bigintincr(q);         p = bigintadd(p, dividend);     }     while(__bigintcomp(divisor, p) == -1){ // while < b*q, decrement q         q = bigintdecr(q);         p = bigintsubtract(p,dividend);     }     qr[0] = q;     qr[1] = bigintsubtract(divisor, p);     return qr; } 

and montgomery product function, directly paper first described:

string __monpro(string abar, string bbar, string n, string nprime, int rpow){     string t = bigintmultiply(abar, bbar);     string m = getsignificantbits(bigintmultiply(t,nprime),rpow);     string u = stringrightshift(bigintadd(t,bigintmultiply(m,n)),rpow);     if(bigintcomp(u,n)>=0) return bigintsubtract(u,n);     return u; }  

so i'm curious if it's precomputed in python, or if should looking memory leak? haven't tested of c bigint libraries because i've been lazy, , because assume python using 1 of internally anyway. taking look.


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