rest - Web API 2 use Windows Authentication for public users -

how use windows authentication in web api internal users on public network? rest api public facing , need authenticate intranet users internet users. basically, not on active directory won't able access , 1 more ad groups authorized.

the rest service @ moment has security filter validate token using attribute filter.

public class restauthorizeattribute : authorizeattribute {     private const string securitytoken = "token";      public override void onauthorization(httpactioncontext actioncontext)     {         if (authorize(actioncontext))         {             return;         }          handleunauthorizedrequest(actioncontext);     }       private bool authorize(httpactioncontext actioncontext)     {         try         {             httprequestmessage request = actioncontext.request;              //extract token request. work all.             // e.g \api\facilitiles\token\298374u23lknndsjlkfds==             //      \api\ward\123\token\298374u23lknndsjlkfds==             string path = request.requesturi.localpath;              int indexoftoken = path.indexof(securitytoken) + securitytoken.length + 1;               string token = path.substring(indexoftoken);              bool isvalid = securitymanager.istokenvalid(token, ipresolver.getip(request),request.headers.useragent.tostring());             return isvalid;         }         catch (exception ex)         {             string av = ex.message;             return false;         }     } } 

this applied specific controllers this:

[restauthorize] [routeprefix("api/patient")] [enablecors(origins: "*", headers: "*", methods: "*")] public class patientdetailscontroller : apicontroller {      patientdetailsretriever _patientdetailsretriever;      // get: api/patient/meds/personid/{personid}/token/{token}     [route("meds/personid/{personid}/token/{token}")]     [httpget]     public httpresponsemessage getmeds(int64 personid, string token)     {         list<medication> meds; ..... 

the client generates token includes username, password , domain , among other things.

enabling windows authentication in iis (web.config) enough validate local users. how work when user outside network , sends in credentials?

i have found answer on post.

//create "principal context" - e.g. domain (could machine, too) using(principalcontext pc = new principalcontext(contexttype.domain,   "yourdomain")) {     // validate credentials     bool isvalid = pc.validatecredentials("myuser", "mypassword"); } 


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