vba - Format specific text in Outlook -

i need format specific string value acquired excel in outlook.

once value provided excel, macro append value in email message.

i tried testing , setting value bold of contents of message became bold. how format value in such way can use font type, size , color liking?

obj.htmlbody = "<b>" & stragnt & vbcrlf & obj.htmlbody 

see working outlook htmlbody

option explicit sub createhtmlmail() 'creates new e-mail item , modifies properties.      dim olapp outlook.application     dim objmail outlook.mailitem     set olapp = outlook.application     'create e-mail item     set objmail = olapp.createitem(olmailitem)      dim stragnt string      stragnt = "<html><h2>the body  html.</h2><body>type message text here. </body></html>" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _                 "<p><font face=""comic sans ms"" size=""6"" color=""red""><b>test.</b></fontt></p>" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _                 "<p><font face=""times new roman"" size=""4"" color=""blue""><i>test</i></font></p>" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _                 "<p><font face=""arial"" size=""3"" color=""green"">test</font></p>" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf      objmail        'set body format html        .bodyformat = olformathtml        .htmlbody = stragnt        .display     end end sub 

msdn htmlbody property


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