beagleboneblack - How to blink two led simultaneously using Beaglebone black PWM pins in python -

i writing program in python blink 2 led simutaneously. using beaglebone black pwm pins. earlier wrote blink 5 led's 1 one worked fine. trying blink 2 led together, that's not working. not able maintain proper sequence, , led 1 , led 3 remains @ high, both , 1 of them. new python any appriciated. piece of code below: ``

     import adafruit_bbio.pwm pwm      import time      first = "p8_13"      second = "p8_19"      third = "p9_14"      fourth = "p9_16"      fifth = "p9_42"      in range (0, 4):         pwm.start(first, 50, 1000)         pwm.start(second, 50, 1000)         pwm.stop("p8_13")         pwm.stop("p8_19")         time.sleep(1)         pwm.start(second, 50, 1000)         pwm.start(third, 50, 1000)         pwm.stop("p8_19")         pwm.stop("p9_14")         time.sleep(1)         pwm.start(third, 50, 1000)         pwm.start(fourth, 50, 1000)         pwm.stop("p9_14")         pwm.stop("p9_16")         time.sleep(1)         pwm.start(fourth, 50, 1000)         pwm.start(fifth, 50, 1000)         pwm.stop("p9_16")         pwm.stop("p9_42")         time.sleep(1) 


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