angularjs - Calling parent directive method from child directive through attrs -

this scenario :

<export-team>  <ul>   <li>    <button buy-ticket="{{data}}" buy-callback="onbuyticket()">buy</button>   </li>   <li>    <button buy-ticket="{{data}}" buy-callback="onbuyticket()">buy</button>   </li>  </ul> </export-team> 

the buyticket directive

(function() {   'use strict';    angular     .module('myapp')     .directive('buyticket', buyticket);    /** @nginject */   function buyticket($parse, ngdialog, authservice, appconfig, $rootscope, sharetoken, contestsfactory, sharecurrentticket, shareidsession, sharesessionaams, $location) {     var vm = this;      var directive = {       restrict: 'a',             link : function(scope, element, attributes) {          var buycompatible = attributes['buycompatible'];           function addzero(i) {             if (i < 10) {                 = "0" + i;             }             return i;         }                  var buyticket = function(contest) {                        var d = new date();                    var y = d.getfullyear();             var m = addzero(d.getmonth()+1);             var day = addzero(d.getdate());             var h = addzero(d.gethours());             var min = addzero(d.getminutes());             var s = addzero(d.getseconds());             var date = ''+y+m+day+h+min+s+'';             var transactionid = $rootscope.transactionid;              var currenttoken = sharetoken.get();             var data =  {                   idsessione:currenttoken, // ->token                   useragent:navigator.useragent,                   sessioneaams:contest.aams_session_id,                    gameid:appconfig.game_id,                   transactionid:transactionid,                   datetime:date,                   buyin:contest.buy_in               }               var dialogloading ={                closebydocument : false,               closebyescape : false,               showclose : false,               id : 'ft-modal-loading',               controller: ['$scope', function($scope){                 $scope.bodyurl = 'app/components/modals/body/loading.html';                      $scope.title = 'acquisto ticket';                 $scope.error = 'il sistema sta procedendo all\'acquisto del ticket';               }]             });                 contestsfactory.buyticket(data).success(function(response){                dialogloading.close();                             if (response.esito == "0") {                     if (!buycompatible) {                    sharecurrentticket.set(response.ticketsogei);                   sharesessionaams.set(contest.aams_session_id);                   shareidsession.set(contest.id_session);                                     $location.path('my-contests/'+contest.id_contest+'/'+contest.contest_status);                   }                      } else {                 var message = response.descrizione;                                 var ids = ngdialog.getopendialogs();                 var dialogerror ={                    id : "ft-modal-error-2",                   controller: ['$scope', function($scope){                     $scope.bodyurl = 'app/components/modals/body/error.html';                          $scope.title = 'errore';                     $scope.error = message;                   }]                 });                        }             })             .error(function(){                    var dialogerrornotendled = ngdialog.close('ft-modal-loading');         {                    id : 'ft-modal-error',                   controller: ['$scope', function($scope){                     $scope.bodyurl = 'app/components/modals/body/error.html';                          $scope.title = 'errore';                     $scope.error = 'il servizio non รจ attualmente disponibile';                   }]                 });                      })                     }                  var openconfirmbuyticket = function(contest) {           contest = json.parse(contest);              if (ngdialog.isopen('ft-modal-contest-detail')) {               ngdialog.close('ft-modal-contest-detail');                 };              if (!authservice.islogged()) {   {               controller: ['$scope', function($scope){                 $scope.bodyurl = 'app/components/modals/body/not_logged.html';                      $scope.title = 'spiacenti';                 $scope.error = 'devi essere loggato per poter partecipare ad un contest';               }]             });            } else {             ngdialog.openconfirm({               controller: ['$scope', function($scope){                 $scope.title = 'conferma';                 $scope.bodyurl = 'app/components/modals/body/confirm_buy.html';                 $scope.contest_name = contest.name_contest;                 $scope.buy_in = contest.buy_in;                 $scope.currency = appconfig.currency_symbol;               }],             }).then(function (confirm) {                buyticket(contest);              }, function(reject) {              });                  }             }           element.on('click', function(e){           var contest = attributes['buyticket'];           openconfirmbuyticket(contest);         })                      }     };      return directive;   }  })(); 

the export directive

(function() {   'use strict';    angular     .module('myapp')     .directive('exportteam', exportteam);    /** @nginject */   function exportteam(contestsfactory, ngdialog, appconfig, formatdatefactory) {     var vm = this;      var directive = {       restrict: 'ae',           transclude: true,         controller : function($scope) {         $scope.test = function() {           alert('hey');         }       },       link : function(scope, element, attributes) {         element.on('click', function(e){             var ticket = attributes['exportteam'];             var id_session = attributes['idsession'];             scope.openexportteamdialog(ticket, id_session, false);         })           scope.openexportteamdialog = function(ticket, aams_session_id, aftersave) {     {                 id : 'ft-modal-exportteam-detail',                 classname : 'ngdialog ngdialog-theme-default ft-dialog-exportteam',                   controller: ['$scope', 'contestsfactory', 'appconfig', function($scope, contestsfactory, appconfig){                   $scope.title = "aggiungi contest compatibili";                   $scope.bodyurl = 'app/components/modals/body/exportteam.html';                   $scope.contentloading = true;                   $scope.currency = appconfig.currency_symbol;                   $scope.aftersave = aftersave;                            $scope.compatiblecontests = [];                   contestsfactory.getcompatiblecontests(ticket).then(function(response){                     angular.foreach([0], function(item, i){                       var multientryoptions = [];                       if(item.multientry > 1) {                          item.ismultientry = false;                         var n = parseint(item.multientry);                         (i = 1; <= n; i++) {                              multientryoptions.push({                               text : i+" team",                               value :                             })                         }                               item.multientryoptions = multientryoptions;                                           item.multientryoptionselected = multientryoptions[0];                       }else{                         item.ismultientry = true;                       };                      })                     $scope.compatiblecontests =[0];                      $scope.contentloading = false;                   })                     }]               });            }            scope.openexportteamdialog('n3e94100a725f9qg', 'm3e921013c6dcfct', false);         }     };      return directive;   }  })(); 

the buy-ticket directive makes http call, on response want able call onbuyticket method of <export> directive.

i'm trying understand best way that.

thanks everyone

this sample show how can call function directive

in sample can see insert data in our directive, , handle data , other action in directive.

var app = angular.module("app", []);          app.controller("ctrl", function ($scope) {                $scope.datafromyourcontroller = [                  { name: "concert jennifer", value: 200 },                  { name: "007", value: 100 }              ];            })          .directive("export", function () {              var template = "<div>" +                  "<ul>" +                  "<li ng-repeat=\"array in arrays\">" +                      "<button ng-click=\"onbuyticket()\">buy ticket {{}}</button><hr>" +                  "</li>" +                  "</ul>" +                  "</div>";              return {                  restrict: "e",                  template: template,                  scope: {                      data: "="                  },                  link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ngmodel) {                      scope.arrays =;                        scope.onbuyticket = function () {                        alert("calling function directive");                      }                    }              };          })
<!doctype html>  <html ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">  <head>  </head>  <body>          <h1>call action directive</h1>      <export data="datafromyourcontroller"></export>          <script src=""></script>    </body>  </html>


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