c# - Visual Studio 2015: Enabling the MSTest logging -

i generate test log file , found post on web shown how enable mstest logging seems not working:

here steps should perform enable mstest logs.

  1. go mstest installation directory via administrator command prompt. (typically installation directory c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 11.0\common7\ide).

  2. open mstest configuration file (mstest.exe.config) , add snippet similar 1 shown below under configuration node. make sure path have specified exists , have appropriate permissions it.


<system.diagnostics>     <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">         <listeners>                               <add name="mylistener" type="system.diagnostics.textwritertracelistener" initializedata="c:\temp\mstest.log" />         </listeners>     </trace>     <switches>         <!-- must use integral values "value".  use 0 off, 1 error, 2 warn, 3 info, , 4 verbose. -->         <add name="eqttracelevel" value="4" />     </switches> </system.diagnostics> </configuration> 


  1. save configuration file , try running test.

after log file @ aforementioned path should generated.


anybody else had same issue?

try adding following key

  <system.diagnostics>     <switches>       <!-- must use integral values "value".            use 0 off, 1 error, 2 warn, 3 info, , 4 verbose. -->       <add name="eqttracelevel" value="4" />     </switches>   </system.diagnostics>   .....      <add key="createtracelistener" value="yes"/>   </appsettings> </configuration> 


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