exchangewebservices - Read email content and move items between folders with Exchange 2010 and c# -

i’m working on application must read email content , move emails 1 folder another, these 2 features must support. mail server exchange 2010 , have enough privileges access mailbox.

i’ve been seeing posts ews managed code i’m lost in information. can shed light on , advise best approach accomplish it?

ps. using vs 2015 , .net framework 4.5

update: find below quick test using ews manage api

exchangeservice service = new exchangeservice(exchangeversion.exchange2013); //this accept certificates, regardless of why invalid servicepointmanager.servercertificatevalidationcallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslpolicyerrors) => true; service.credentials = new webcredentials("administrator", "mypassword", ""); service.url = new uri("");  emailmessage email = new emailmessage(service); email.torecipients.add(""); email.subject = string.format("helloworld @ {0}",; email.body = new messagebody("this first email i've sent using ews managed api."); email.send(); 

i’m working on application must read email content , move emails 1 folder

okay need use exchange mailbox api access mailbox content, on exchange 2010 available api's use move message between folders mapi (via outlook object model or thirdparty library redemption) or exchange web services (ews). (other api's pop,imap , activesync work harder use).

to work out best api use need consider application going run eg if building code run within outlook using oom. if building application going run on server use ews.

i’ve been seeing posts ews managed code i’m lost in information.

if going write , ews app using managed api best way go, best place jump write actual code eg start with

then try

cheers glen


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