javascript - build a script to grab data from HTML Form and place it on -

i have short script pulls information site called rpr. wondering if can build page contains html form input field called "address" , when form submitted fills out "query" line automatically on next page?

<script type="text/javascript"> var rpravmwidgetoptions = { token : "0596733f-54fc-4c23-89c8-8b021a6e486c", query : "278 s 23rd st, philadelphia, pa 19103", cobrandcode : "btsusspaces", showrprlinks : true }  </script>     <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>          

when submit form, address sent via post or get.

you can add hidden input :

<input type="hidden" id="my_address_post" value="<?php echo $_post['address']; ?>"> 

then in javascript value of input in variable , write variable name in "query" :)

var my_address = document.getelementbyid('my_address_post').value; 


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